
General News

25 February, 2024

New signage set to add 'wow' to Tower Park

New interpretive signage will soon bring to life the history of Tower Park. Both Dimboola locals and visitors are set to benefit from the installation of the signs.

By Caitlin Menadue

Desiree Cross, Jo Donnelly, Deb Moar and Angela Walker around the mosaic bath at Tower Park.
Desiree Cross, Jo Donnelly, Deb Moar and Angela Walker around the mosaic bath at Tower Park.

Dimboola Art Inc committee members Jo Donnelly, Angela Walker and Deb Moar, and Pink Lake Creative employee and local Desiree Cross have joined forces to bring this vision to life.

The team received grants from the Victorian Government's Stronger Community program and Murra Warra Wind Farm, which each gave about $2500 to the project.

Tower Park opened on March 11 last year on the site of the old Dimboola Hotel and was built from recycled material, bringing the town's history into one place.

After the opening of Tower Park, the community gave feedback, with most saying the park needed signage to explain to locals and visitors why certain parts were included.

"People have said if you didn't go to the opening you don't know the history behind it all," Ms Walker said.

The group said people needed to know the important aspects of Tower Park.

"It'll showcase that it's a part of the Dimboola community history," Ms Walker said.

The interpretive signage will feature stories of history, the old Dimboola Hotel, First Nations' people, the mosaic bath and artwork, as the main aim is to expose the history it has to offer.

Information surrounding the rail industry, Wimmera river sustainability, the community's contribution and sponsors will also be shared through the signage.

QR codes were a relatively new aspect of technology that would be included, Ms Donnelly said, as since the COVID-19 outbreak the public had understood how easy it was to use a QR code.

"It's a good way to put the information and history behind it because it's too much to fit onto one page," Ms Cross said.

"The QR codes will lead to videos and the website that was put together by Deb."

After the interpretive signage is completed, the team will work towards further development, with augmented reality being discussed for the next stage of the project.

Ms Cross said it would give the park a "wow" factor and make it memorable for visitors and locals.

"It's to encourage people to visit the park," she said.

The interpretive signage is due to be live by the start of March.


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